SJP British
Transparent and personalised financial planning.
With our DNA in the UK, as well as our 30 years of experience supporting British expatriates in Asia, our financial advisors know that transparency and personalisation are at the top of UK expats’ wishlist.
Third on the wishlist, is the convenience of a one-stop-shop that covers everything from moving money across borders, to planning for retirement. And that’s exactly what St. James’s Place does best.
Helping British expats take charge of their finances
Financial planning abroad can feel a lot like a game of whack-a-mole. To maximise your wealth there are different taxation laws to navigate, inflationary pressures to combat, and risks from foreign exchange to avoid.
As your trusted financial planning services provider, our financial advisers provide financial advice attuned to your concerns, such as managing international fund transfers, multi-currency investments, and understanding tax regulations across borders. But that’s not all. Our solutions offer practical advice on investment options for British expatriates and help manage the financial planning cost in the UK context. With these qualities at the ready, we ensure your global financial strategy is not only internationally compliant but also strategically aligned with your lifestyle and long-term goals.
Everything comes with tradeoffs. As an expatriate in Asia, you may benefit from the comparatively low-income tax environment, but did you know that your UK properties are subject to heavy foreign tax?
Our financial advisors can help you maximise your financial advantage while living abroad.
Most expatriates underestimate the power of inflation and its eroding effects on hard earned wealth.
Talk to our financial advisors to find out what steps you can take to guard your cash deposit accounts and financial assets from the whims of the global financial market while living abroad.
While it’s conventional wisdom that expatriates enjoy lower tax in Singapore and Hong Kong, the often overlooked matter is, are expatriates maximising their saving potential during this limited window period?
Realise your income potential with a proper understanding of wealth management strategies specific to expats in Asia.
The first question to ask is what currency should you invest in?
Unfortunately, currencies are volatile, and rates fluctuate and if expats neglect this in your financial planning it can negatively affect your wealth. Similarly, a poor exchange rate can affect overseas transfers.
Expatriates in UAE
Being an expatriate in the UAE has advantages and disadvantages that differ from person to person.
The most important thing is to make sure that you’re aware of the financial implications and the benefits that you can enjoy whilst residing offshore.
To get you started St. James’s Place has created a simple test for UK expatriates so you can find out how well you’re managing your finances and identify any gaps you need to fill so that you're better protected.
In this test you will learn more about:
- Your tax obligations while abroad
- Managing your UK property
- Protecting your family and assets
- Maximising your retirement
Watch our selection of on-demand video guides for more information.
The value of an investment with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds selected and may fall as well as rise. You may get back less than the amount invested.
The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs from taxation can change at any time. The value of any tax relief depends on individual circumstances. You are advised to seek independent tax advice from suitably qualified professionals before making any decision as to the tax implications of any investment.