SJP Planning your taxes
Hands up if you enjoy taxation planning.
If you’ve lived or worked in multiple countries for an extended period, you’ll know the double trouble of dealing with taxation planning across multiple jurisdictions.
You may have even considered holding bank accounts, investment property, and other assets overseas for diversification’s sake, only to be put off by the amount of paperwork and exorbitant tax rates.
Manage expat taxation planning by bringing all your personal and business assets under one roof with our carefully selected tax specialists can help you avoid needless payment of additional tax on already-taxed assets.
Don’t fall victim to these tax return mistakes
St. James’s Place is committed to helping you find the right tax advisory service so you can avoid common tax planning pitfalls and save on your annual tax bills.
- Forgetting to share the load
- Leaving it to the last minute
- Overlooking relief entitlements
- Making declaration errors
- Costly miscalculations
- Not reviewing options annually
By working with a range of reputable tax advisors across multiple markets, we can ensure you get personalised taxation planning services that are right for you.

The unspoken benefits of year-round tax planning
We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but for most people, taxation planning should not be a once-a-year activity. It should be one of the first things we think about whenever big financial decisions need to be made.
Taxation planning is done right when your tax advisor inextricably links your tax planning to key life events and takes into account your dependents’ financial situations. No one benefits when taxation planning is left to the last minute.
Frequent taxation planning is particularly beneficial for:
- Those who are self employed
- Those planning intergenerational wealth transfer
- Those who received a windfall
- Those who have had a child or grandchild
What’s worse than business tax planning?
Rising interest rates and inflation!
It’s frustrating, but business doesn’t stop, and the show must go on. The financial advisors at St. James’s Place have worked with leading tax advisors to help corporations and entrepreneurs steady the ship during financially turbulent times.
By deploying balanced strategies that offer both corporate protection as well as tailored financial advice to your employees, our external tax advisors have helped businesses keep their sights set on profitability amid rising interest rates, taxes and inflation.
Rather than narrowly focusing on immediate business tax planning obstacles, this is achieved by taking a long-term outlook. Together with our tax advisory partners, we zoom in on your employees’ and partners’ financial needs so that after the storm has passed, your business is recognised as an honourable captain that led the way despite rough waters.
* * The levels and bases of taxation and reliefs can change at any time. The value of any tax relief depends on individual circumstances. You are advised to seek independent tax advice from suitably qualified professionals before making any decision as to the tax implications of any investment.