SJP Getting ready to retire

The closer you get to retirement, the more your later life plans can change. You may decide to keep working for longer, or more flexibly. You might want to stop working earlier. So taking a moment to make sure that your financial plans are still in sync with the retirement you imagine is very important.

Wider changes in world economic or political circumstances, volatility in the stock markets, can also impact your personal plans and future retirement.

If you’ve changed jobs several times during your career, you may have a number of different pensions you could access.

Your financial adviser can help you keep track of these different pots, manage them or consider moving them if they’re no longer performing well for you. As you approach State Pension age, you may need a hand checking your National Insurance contributions too. 

Managing change and risk can become even more important to us as we grow older. A good financial plan is one that continues to meet your needs, even when those needs change. We’re here to have regular reviews with you as often as you need them. Expert financial advice will help make sure you can look forward to the future with real confidence and excitement.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select, and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

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